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Buying a tent

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Buying a tent

What should you pay attention to when you want to buy a tent? There are quite a few things to consider. Some of these things are personal. How much space are you looking for and for how many people? How many sleeping cabins do you want? How high does the tent need to be? You can set your preferences by having a good look at the tents we have in stock on our website or on display in our store.

When buying a tent, there are properties of the tent itself to consider. These considerations are determined by the materials of which the tent is made. These materials determine how the tent functions and what its properties are. You can have two tents in equal size and height, but completely different due to the materials which have been used. This is similar for lightweight tents as well as for family tents.

A little preparation about the different materials used in a tent can come in handy before purchasing it. The three main parts that determine the properties of a tent are:

Our tents